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Monday, August 17, 2020

How to Be an Amazing TEACHER

Talk to God (AKA Pray)

Eat the Word (AKA Read the Bible)

Assess what needs to be done that day

Communicate to them what needs to be done that day

Help your kids help themselves

Enjoy learning with them

Recreate when you are done with school

Talk to God (AKA Pray)

I highly encourage you to pray both individually and as a family/school before you start your academics. This prepares not just your minds, but your hearts.

Eat the Word (AKA Read the Bible)

I highly encourage you to read the Bible both individually and as a family/school before you start your academics. This is not for head information, but for heart transformation. I encourage reading through the Proverbs, Psalms, the Gospels, and/or James.

Assess what needs to be done that day

I don’t know about you, but I love knowing what I need to get done. It gets my mind ready to tackle the day. PS I love lists and charts.

Communicate to them what needs to be done that day

Again, it’s not enough that you as the teacher know what needs to get done, but it’s very important to communicate it to your kids. Again, lists and charts help here. I love letting my kids mark off with a highlighter as they get stuff done to encourage them. Who doesn’t love the satisfaction of marking off a to-do list?

Help your kids help themselves

I am thinking of the interaction between Jerry Maguire and Rod Tidwell in Jerry Maguire here. But it actually is true. By helping them help themselves I mean that you can and should help your kids if they truly need it. However, sometimes the best help you can give them is letting them figure it out themselves. I know this is hard for us mommas, but in the long run, it does help them.

Enjoy learning with them

I am a lifelong learner and I believe everyone is also. When we need to know how to do something, we read or watch or hang out with someone to learn how to do it. Let your kids see you love learning new things (even when it is hard and you get frustrated). Also, I highly encourage you to have them read their school work to you or you read it to them (kids love being read to). Watch lessons with them as you are able. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning history and science with my kids through the years.

Recreate when you are done with school

I personally love having something fun to look forward to after working hard. For my boys, they love some video game time or outside time. Reward them with whatever their “currency” is for a job well done.

I hope these tips help you to be an amazing TEACHER to your kids.

1 comment:

  1. Great words of encouragement and advice!! Thank you 💜
